Saturday, 28 February 2015

zeena shaved her head

Happy march guys.......!!
Today march of stunnings will start with zeenawooz,.. ppl have said she shaved her head......!! Excatly yes she did.

I still dunno why did she did it. Well i asked some woozens opinion and they gave wacky Things like
She couldnt find a new  hairstyle.
Invented shaved day
Rats ate her head xD
Well the best one was
That when jenny was asleep then woozband and zack wanted to help jenny.
But then one person woke her up max!WHich showed tht he wants to get together. Well if zack also wanted to help jenny then it gave a shock to zeena. Why on earth did he wanted to help jenny.

Apparently, Zeena shaved her hair off after whatZack had done.
 He put Zeena's hairstyle in the shopz at Wacky Wednesday with those mod faces. (Which is now gone)

So now Zeena is slaying that bald head of hers.I'm guessing Zack and Zeena are now over.To be honest her head is kinda creepy .
Preety much yea. So now i gues what zeena will wear.? Pretty much  a question.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

the ten locations

see the max's hot topicz. well you arent blind ? isnt it....! okay so i dont know why did max did it or whats the reason but who cares..... XD

well here are the ten places where the extra-colorful PRIZES are hidden. well get em:
the locations are

Prize 1: What the Wooz!?
Prize 2: Romantic Park
Prize 3: Romance At Sea
Prize 4: Romantic Venice
Prize 5: Romance Cafe
Prize 6: WoozWorld Help Center
Prize 7: Asteroid
Prize 8: Ballroom
Prize 9: Park
Prize 10: Ruins
I hope that helped you guys! But that's all for now!

Sunday, 15 February 2015

framez cupid

Woozworld has added FrameZ which you can buy in the Shopz for 180 & 150 wooz depending on which one you get. The types of FrameZ are 

1): Valentine's FrameZ -180
2): Bae FrameZ -180
3): Rectangle FrameZ -150
Those were the frameZ  which I personally think the Bae FrameZ is really cute haha C:

How dooes it work? The frameZ work by once you buy it, you place it where you want it in your units, and you click on it. Once you've clicked it you chose the picture you'd like.  And your done! :)

In some other news, there are some new woozpets I'd guess you'd call them that. There are new Cupids! And they're really adorable! You have 4 new Cupids. Here they are.

1): Wicked Lovz Cupid -250
2): Sweet Lovz Cupid -250
3): Sparks of Love Cupid -250
4): Sparkz of Love Cupid -250

That's all for today lovelies! This is Cuttiepie1219 saying goodbye and Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

3 Different Chatbars

hello woozens,
i am princessabix and today i would be  tellin you wuts with WzW chat bar? well it is very easy. you must be having the chatbar but in colours. maybe red green or yellow. which represent different things. it tells how much woozworld trust you.
when i opened woozworld then i was amazed with this new chat bar i had the red chat bar. I was shocked but then i read woozworld blog and i got to know tht this is just for ppl who say bad words. Not tht i speak bad words but i was trying to say woozworld stunnings . blog spot. com and it showed it as hash hash hash...! but now i have got the trusted one (green).if you have green chat bar then you are free to use more and more words.if you have yellow chat bar then some words are not to be used. if you have red chat bar then you are unable to talk properly:( i can't even say more then 6 words) :( :(
you will be thinking ''will i have this red or yellow chat bar forever'' well no. because there is one way to remove it and get the green chat bar tht i made my self.. wut you do is. go to your units and say good words to yourself like:

how may i help you.
wow you look wonderfull.
you are so preety.
i want to help you.
wow thank you so much.
 you are helpfull.
this was so nice of yew.

i did the same and now i am trusted and have green chat bar. come on do the same and be free to show your expressions feeling and communicate with each other.

Monday, 2 February 2015

cold front?

hi woozens,'
i was going through the hot topicz for some news and i got one! it is of lily wooz she says

Feel a chill in the air? The Woozworld Weather Bureau is warning of an approaching cold front with a mysterious dark gray cloud. 

  no wonder wut it means bt i did find out i went to the link given and got to know  a little more about the "threatening skies" coming ahead. Apparently, there is a cold front arriving towards us, followed by a dark stormcloud that is predicted to cause a lack of color, spirit, and happiness throughout Woozworld - just in time for Valentine's Day.there was a way to pretect us from this cold weather tht was "Boost of Love" that we had to purchase from Woozworld Store this weekend. Sadly they run out today, so now anyone who doesn't own the Boost will be in danger when the cold front approaches.  I personally didn't buy the Boost, since I didn't find out until late last night that there even was one, so we'll see what happens! In the meantime, stay safe Woozens! cause i guess there is another trouble coming this valentines day......

Sunday, 1 February 2015

woozworld stunnings, My dream Blog!

hello woozens,
i am princessabix your new blogger and i will be this blogs owner. having a famous blog waz my dream....and now its a dream come true with the help of u!
i would love if you open this ordinary blog and make it unique. so yea i would have aims of this blog that are i need bloggers and viewers too. to make this blog special and fantastic....!

princessabix for when it's quitting time.