Saturday, 9 May 2015

prom committee task

                          Its a very loong work out to be a commitee member.! so stay patient.!
I have done the whole task so which is why i am useing my other id. :D
*The unitz name is written in blue.
*The objective is written in green

1) go to the prom planning HQ unitz. Over there you will find a yellow chest. did you? click it. When you do. you will be awarded prom 2k15 planner!. 

2)After that you will be given more objectives. stay tight because there are more to be done!.
Now we have to 'find and recover the missing box of prom decorations'' just go to the ballroom. over there there will be a box p.s this box will be located next to the pink post. :). just click it. and then you will get an other objective..!

3)the next work out would be to ''take a picture with you and a green jelly unicorn. This could be the first picture in a new albumz for prom 2k15'' you just have to take a pic with a green jelly unicorn. I just went to the search unitz and wrote ' green unicorn picture or green jelly unicorn. go to the unitz and take a happy picture with it !!. p.s the woozens are so nice that they even made a public unitz for woozens. :)

4)now we have to '' find and borrow jaywooz's turntable'' we have to go to unitz 'studio' click the turn table.. :)

5) then we have to 'get 5 votes in a public unitz as you remind your fellow woozens that prom is on may 29'' ask for votes very very politely and if you do some kind woozen will vote you. P.S: leave three votes for the end. because you will need it..! :)

6)Now we have to ''find and recover the missing ballot box in time for prom voting'' just go to the unitz named 'surface' over there you will easily find a ballot box in rainbow colour i guess xD !

7)The other objective is to 'take a selfie with a basic sweater in shopz (or take a photo with someone else wearing a sweater save it as the ''before'' photo in your albumz prom 2k15 albumz. dont forget to take an after photo right before you head to prom on may 29. so just buy and wear the sweater or ask a random woozen to please wear a sweater for you to take a selfie. ( hard job..? ik! :P)

8) Now this one was a tough one for me to find. "visit woozworld featured buisness to borrow their fire extinguishers'' go to the unitz named yetibux cafe. so click that which would be in a corner  guess. (sowy for woozens blocking it i asked them to move but they didn't listened :()

9) Tired yet. well I am tired by writing frequently :O okay. so this is the next work out 'give three votes to someone you think deserves a crown at this year's prom. hmmm that was a lil hard for me.i didnt knew who to choose but i did voted someone who would probably deserve it. and so you have to vote that person three times..!

10) okay the next and the last is who could be trying to sabotage prom. Check out their unitz to find the prom queen crown. A news for zeena supporters. zeena stole the crown :p Now will yall still support zeena xD. okay go to unitz z-unitz punk room.

so that was last and i am actually happy about it. god. then you logout and then login you get the prize :). enjoy !!!!!


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