Thursday, 26 May 2016

*** Change THE Game ***

So my vacations have already started and I am so ready ....
FACT: I didnot had great grades back in my earlier class, like I use to have.... and according to my parents I CAN NOT CONCENTRATE CAUUUUUSE OF BLOGGER..! -CRIES- I really really trie extra extra hard but my parents dont understand..! They say it's for my best..! To QUIT BLOGGER

Long story short I'll be quitting Woozworld from now on OFFICIALLY which indirectly means I can't continue blogging here for woozworld..! Sorry.. I am afraid THAT I WON'T BLOG FOR WOOZWORLD FROM NOW ON.!

Sorry to disappoint you guys :( :( :(  it's a fact. A sad one of course

I am alloted only 30 minutes for gaming... D: and that is not fulfilling the needs of the blog..! D:
The Good NEWS:
The good news is I'll be making this blog Non woozworld 
 That means I'll be posting about everything except Woozworld.. I think this is an easy job..!! because 
1-I'll be able to help everyone
2-It doesn't require a lot of time
3- It doesn't need an edited cover for the blog.
4-It doesn't require more bloggers.

what would I post about?
I'll post about 
1- My life (happenings for the day, events, great things I've done etc)
2-DIYS..! (I see you like then a lot :))
3-Great recipes worth a TRY!
4-Fashion tips, styles..!
5-How to's 
6-Advice column
7-Art I have made..
Absolutely everything From my Style to my life..! everything.! :D 

Would I make changes to the Blog?
YESH..! I would definitely make a lot of changes..
E.g: I'll delete all the woozworld posts, I'll remove the cover, all woozworld related Tabs, Blog name, all the features..!
However: If you really really REALLY like a feature then I would definitely keep it..!  X)

So what's the ''new'' blog's name/website?
What ever YOU want..! Comment on the chat box to let me know cause I am curious..! or E-mail me on now..! It doesn't even take a minute..!
The name of the blog should be related to what I'll post in the future as told in the "what would I post about section?".. 
You have in total 48 hours to choose a name for the blog..!
After that I'LL CHANGE THE LOOK OF THE BLOG COMPLETELY..! Hurry up guys.! 2 days..!


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