Hey guyS,
So lately I was checking on other blogs and Thinking how can I grow my views for my blog..! And I thought of two ways..!..
1)Doing #Royal Tips,..
This will be a post on weekly basis where I will help you guys Improve or maybe tell you my views.... No not the booooring way..! :( But I'll do it in a fun, colourful way... maybe you can read the title for an example..! (which you guys already did) ;") so I'll try to help you guys do fun things... Maybe I'll post a video? a DIY? OR JUST SOME NORMAL STEPS MADE UP..! you can also help me... message me on woozworld letting me know what tips YOU want....!. See I made this like a new activity for you guys.. Isn't it fun!. Hope it is.. This was a suggestion given to me by a fan.. Thank you..!
2)My Art Corner:
This will be the page with my Art... WAIT.!??"!?";];[! I'm good at Arts! :/ :? (Why Did'nt you told me princessabix?) '_' I thought you were my P.A..! Well, Well, I am not!. i'ts just that I enjoy Arts and I do it for fun.. Believe me I am just normal..! There will be ;;hand made Drwaing;; Cause I am not a editor. Believe me I don't even know an 'E' of editing.! But I'll do the Drawing..! with a little discussion.! I'll do this Monhly,weekly, daily, who knowsss..>!>"L'q']']'[][-=- (Sorry for doing that) *cough* it will *cough*never.. ever happen *cough* again!
Back towards
b)Locker Organisation:
So lately I was checking on other blogs and Thinking how can I grow my views for my blog..! And I thought of two ways..!..
1)Doing #Royal Tips,..
This will be a post on weekly basis where I will help you guys Improve or maybe tell you my views.... No not the booooring way..! :( But I'll do it in a fun, colourful way... maybe you can read the title for an example..! (which you guys already did) ;") so I'll try to help you guys do fun things... Maybe I'll post a video? a DIY? OR JUST SOME NORMAL STEPS MADE UP..! you can also help me... message me on woozworld letting me know what tips YOU want....!. See I made this like a new activity for you guys.. Isn't it fun!. Hope it is.. This was a suggestion given to me by a fan.. Thank you..!
2)My Art Corner:
This will be the page with my Art... WAIT.!??"!?";];[! I'm good at Arts! :/ :? (Why Did'nt you told me princessabix?) '_' I thought you were my P.A..! Well, Well, I am not!. i'ts just that I enjoy Arts and I do it for fun.. Believe me I am just normal..! There will be ;;hand made Drwaing;; Cause I am not a editor. Believe me I don't even know an 'E' of editing.! But I'll do the Drawing..! with a little discussion.! I'll do this Monhly,weekly, daily, who knowsss..>!>"L'q']']'[][-=- (Sorry for doing that) *cough* it will *cough*never.. ever happen *cough* again!
Back towards
How To Have Fun In School.!
There are multiples of ways in which you can have fun in school. Actually I made this topic because School has started for most of us..
1)Have a Group,
Having a group can give you a support..! When you wake up early at home.. You'll think about your group of friends..And I bet you'll want to go to school. thinking of all the fun they'll have without me..? IMPOSSIBLE!
2)Dress up the way you want:
Think of all the dresses you can wear at school. I don't mean that you'll have to wear the most perfect one but hey..! Try to imagine that you're a fashion spree and people out there want to see what you wear..! So try to keep in fashion.. If not then you can also be comfortable.
You can try New hairstyles that you learned from tumblr or Instagram! see if someone gets jealous of you.? ;)
3)Personalize your stuff.!
Which means DIY TIME!. These are some of the DIYs I can tell you till now.!
a) Colourful Pencils.!
colour your pencils up.! by just taking a washy tape and rap your washy tape around your pencil to make it colourful.. Now when ever you'll use it you'll feel fun.
b)Locker Organisation:
Take fabrics and paste all the colourful fabrics in your locker.. cause when ever you'll open it you won't freak out because of your books.!
Hang a schedule in your locker for different days of a week.!,
Hang your sharpies on a colorful string,
use the lid of a shoe box and colour it and make it a binder storage by just putting your binders in it.!
Use key chain for your backpack or pencil pouch..! Believe me you really want to open your bag
Colour up your binders..! I'll show you how. Take a Coloured paper and wrap it on your binder then take a piece of coloured paper and add pieces of paper ribbon on it finally put a white coloured rectangle in the middle and put your name on it. This was just a way to do so.. there are thousand of these DIYs..!
Make a big box, spray paint it and put your Girl's essentials in it.. or boys LOL
Put pieces of rug or a towel maybe. :D on the floors so that it can be comfy.
Last DIY is to use your binders to make it as a floor so that you can put more of your Stuff.!
Here are more ways fo your LoCKER orGANIzatiON
4)Talking to your friends via mobile:
This is a cool way.. I actually do this a lot. I made a group on an app called WHATSAPP and we all send images, videos talk to each other and have fun..! it actually makes us to meet our friends more often! Try this one..!
So these were the ways you can try to have fun in School. The very First reason to have fun in school are Friends so have fun and Enjoy..!
Hang a schedule in your locker for different days of a week.!,
Hang your sharpies on a colorful string,
use the lid of a shoe box and colour it and make it a binder storage by just putting your binders in it.!
Here are more ways fo your LoCKER orGANIzatiON

4)Talking to your friends via mobile:
This is a cool way.. I actually do this a lot. I made a group on an app called WHATSAPP and we all send images, videos talk to each other and have fun..! it actually makes us to meet our friends more often! Try this one..!
So these were the ways you can try to have fun in School. The very First reason to have fun in school are Friends so have fun and Enjoy..!
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